Ministry to people with disabilities

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Transportation •
Summer camps •
Large meetings •
Crafty hands Studio •
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Workshop and Warehouse •
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Workshop and Warehouse


In 2008 we were blessed with a wheelchair workshop and warehouse in Lutsk, built with the help of our brother in Christ, Edward Gordon of Colorado, USA. The wheelchairs will be repaired and adjusted to different users. Many wheelchairs are in use and they need to be repaired from time to time.

The building has two floors, in which we plan to store materials for Crafty Hands Studio and materials of personal hygiene, which we distribute to people with disabilities.


We have plans to build a special complex, at which we would help people with disabilities to integrate into society and participate in a more active lifestyle through broader rehabilitation. We would like people to learn new skills that would give them job opportunities. Also, we would like to have a place for to live for those whose parents have died. People will come here to spend time in groups of their interest. There will be Bible studies, sports, computer and craft time. People with disabilities want to realize their dreams and abilities, even though they have limitations. They want to be useful in society.

There will be room for 15 people to live in this building. We have a clear vision for this charity building complex. We think about and plan for this project, to make it maximally comfortable for people with disabilities, and pray for God’s wisdom to implement this idea.

We also want to have conferences for people from other regions who work with the disabled. It will give us the opportunity to share our experience with ministry to the disabled, and to encourage each other and spread this ministry throughout Ukraine. We also want people with disabilities who live in villages to experience the care and love of Christians that would help them to come to know Christ. It largely depends on the village pastors. They must provide everything necessary so people with disabilities can come to the church facility, where they will feel welcomed and wanted. First, there must be accessible roads and ramps according to the standards near church building. The facility also must have wide doors and a special place in the church for people in wheelchairs.


Fimiam Baptist Church © 2012
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