Youth Ministry
“51th parallel” •
Summer Camps •
Work with Youth •
Teenagers’ club “Rock” •
Summer Camps
Summer camp was held at Lake Berezhyste in Sushybaba village, Turiysky district for 35 participants. The camp participants were primarily young people who visit the Youth Club “51st Parallel" or those who received invitations from friends.
We always have a focus on relationships and there is an atmosphere of love, acceptance and unity. Youth will forget the evening programs and games within a few days, the Bible verses they learned within a month and the names of their friends within six months, but the atmosphere of love and acceptance will be remembered for a long time.
Objectives of camp:
1. Create an atmosphere of acceptance and love and befriend young people.
2. Help young people to believe in Christ.
3. Show the practicality and relevance of the Bible to everyday life and demonstrate practical Christianity by the example of our lives.
4. Continue to make friends with young people who visited the camp.
5. Have good rest.
6. Involve young people from different ministries in Fimiam Church to conduct camps